“Glorious” featuring D-Eight ⚡️bSudan said her new album was about duality and I immediately thought of the mirrors the nail salon left piled in the alley by my storage space. 🙃 The lighting represents a duality as well. Sudan is lit from above. When she faces us she’s partially enveloped by shadow but when she looks up she’s illuminated by the light of divinity. The divine in this case being a four light soft box @theothermichaelwinokur attached to a speed rail grid. Sudan isn’t completely obscured by shadow thanks to the rhinestones that @mmmmylipshurt brilliantly has her in. ✨ Shout out to our art department @barely.blue and @post_samone for muscling 💪🏻 those mirrors into position. I literally couldn’t have done it without you. Shot at Maddog Studios North Hollywood. Ca.