I had the great pleasure to document the creation of the Ok Go video "The One Moment" for my friends at Park Pictures and Ogilvy Chicago. This was a crazy complicated shoot. A total blast. Literally.

We took the opportunity to really break down the intense math involved on this. This one is for the nerds.

It was an all hands on deck situation creating this beast. I ended up helping to create the lip sync elements needed to craft the flip book and kinetoscope used in the finished video.

To create the sequence Damian wanted to really strut. Luckily we had a giant airplane hanger to work in.

Damian Walk Raw from rossangeles on Vimeo.

We created a bunch of teasers leading up to the launch. These were fun to edit. Can't give away the farm but gotta dangle the carrot.

The guys recently launched an educational website for kids to learn the science behind the videos and some of my "The One Moment" bts footage is in the mix. Love helping the youths. These instructional videos were directed by Geoff Shelton . It's a great resource.

Check out the whole site for more Ok Go science action.

Take a look at what my GoPro looked like when we wrapped.

Damian and Ok Go ended up taking home a bunch o Lions at Cannes. Including Gold for Digital Craft / Video. Was cool to see my shot of Arnie in his home laboratory up on the Cannes site. Sometimes the good guys win.